My Jansport Commercial Blog

 My first big project for AICE Media was very successful. I learned many new skills. I learned a lot about team work, while working with my partner, Sophia, there were challenges we needed to overcome but we worked together to get through it. I also learned new things about acting and Sophia taught me a lot about filming and editing. At the beginning I thought filming a commercial was going to be hard but with the help of my teachers, class mates and my partner, I was able to do it.  The skills I learned will help me in the future. My favorite part was filming the last scene when everyone walks away together happily with Jansport backpacks, it was very happy scene and because it was the final one it added to the happiness. My least favorite part was drawing the storyboard, I am not the best at drawing so I told Sophia my ideas and she drew them out. Even though it was a little challenging along the way, my first film was fun to make. This will help a lot in my future films, since we filmed this project at school I was able to ask my teachers about any questions I had. Now I know what I'm doing so for future films, I will know what to do. This was a good experience.


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