Genre Research: Irishman

  • This genre is a combination of Crime and Romance, two genres that we hope to tackle in our film. We plan and using similar angles found in both genres. For example low angle shots and high angle shots to show dominance's submissiveness, as seen in many crime movies. We will also use close up shots to show kissing scenes, commonly used in romantic films. Conventions found in these genres can include the damsel in distress, which is when a woman is treated as someone who is weaker na need helps. For our mafia love story we will be breaking these conventions and instead we will have a powerful and dominant women who will not be a damsel. Many movies broadcast a male lead actor and portray them as a knight in shining armor, however our group would like to o things differently. We believe that we can broadcast a strong female lead in order to break the typical societal norms, and fight for feminism. 
  • Some elements and conventions that we enjoyed and plan to take apply our film are the shots, angles, sounds, as-well as costumes and props. Different shots can be used to our advantage to portray our actors certain ways. Sounds can be used to show increase in stress or to show a happy ending. Sounds such as gunshots or sound bangs can be heard in crime shows and we plan to include these in our film. We also plan to include cop siren noises that will be realistic to crime movies. Other conventions such as costumes will be mirrored in our film because these can be use to characterize our actors as "mafia" and upperclass. Props will also be used throughout our film because they add to the realness of a film. As high school students we have a limited accessibility to mafia related props but we plan to replicate them to our best ability. We plan to buy BB guns swell as fake cigars, that can be used to imitate those seen in the usual crime/mafia movies. 
  • One conventions found in crime that we will not be using is violence. We do not find it realistic to film gunshot wounds or other bloody/gruesome scenes. Our plan is to have a some violence, but to an extent. After watching this movie we have seen some things that have made us uncomfortable, and we do not intend to do that to anyone else. We believe that we can avoid violence while still being able to have an action packed film. We can do pushes and slapping other than stabbing and shooting in order to stay more PG-13. There was also quite a bit of swearing in this movie which we do not intent to include in our project either. While some words such as damn and hell may be included we also plan to keep the swearing to a minimum, unlike other crime/mafia movies. Other than that we will take many inspirations from this movie, the Irishman. 


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